Thursday, October 31, 2013

Break the Rules and Win More Bids | Sales Coach

Break the Rules and Win More Bids | Sales Coach

Since closing rates are in the 15-20% range nationally, one of the biggest concerns that management and salespeople alike have is a desire to increase closing rates.

Close the Sale Before You Present Solutions | Sales Coach

Close the Sale Before You Present Solutions | Sales Coach

Since closing rates are in the 15-20% range nationally, one of the biggest concerns that management and salespeople alike have is a desire to increase closing rates.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Eliminate Mutual Confusion | Sales Coach

Eliminate Mutual Confusion | Sales Coach

Ever go on a sales call where there seemed to be little structure, where both parties seemed to be on different pages, 

Thinking Out of the Box for the New Year | Sales Coach

Thinking Out of the Box for the New Year | Sales Coach

Another new year. Will it be more of the same for you? We recently met with a group of salespeople that we have trained for several years.

“You Haven’t Heard the Best Part” | Sales Coach

“You Haven’t Heard the Best Part” | Sales Coach

Jim and Howard were presenting their case for doing business with one of the largest grocery retailers in the U. S. Their company, 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Prospecting System that Guarantees Results! | Sales Coach

A Prospecting System that Guarantees Results! | Sales Coach

A large majority of salespeople struggle to get in front of enough prospects to keep their pipeline full. 

All-Pro or Peddler? | Sales Coach

All-Pro or Peddler? | Sales Coach

Picture your last very important sales interview with Mr. Big — the one that potentially represented three months quota

Are Some Prospecting Calls Just a Waste of Time? | Sales Coach

Are Some Prospecting Calls Just a Waste of Time? | Sales Coach

Jenny came to our sales training class one morning and asked the participants to assess what had gone wrong on a sales call that she had made the week before.

Beware of What You Send Before Your Meeting | Sales Coach

Beware of What You Send Before Your Meeting | Sales Coach

Dennis was the VP of Sales for a medium sized application service provider and was concerned about the high number of appointment cancellations his reps were getting. As an example,

Break the Rules and Win More Bids | Sales Coach

Break the Rules and Win More Bids | Sales Coach

Many companies are frustrated because they have to participate in a competitive bidding process to obtain business. Winning is often based on having the lowest bid.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Close the Sale Before You Present Solutions | Sales Coach

Close the Sale Before You Present Solutions | Sales Coach

Jim and Howard were presenting their case for doing business with one of the largest grocery retailers in the U. S.

“You Haven’t Heard the Best Part” | Sales Coach

“You Haven’t Heard the Best Part” | Sales Coach

Jim and Howard were presenting their case for doing business with one of the largest grocery retailers in the U. S.

Dealing with Rejection | Sales Coach

Dealing with Rejection | Sales Coach

While in my office the other day, I got a call from a financial advisor. As soon as I answered the phone he began a pitch that lasted for what seemed a very long time,

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Draining the Pipeline at Quarter’s End | Sales Coach

Draining the Pipeline at Quarter’s End | Sales Coach
Steve called us the other day, frustrated with what he called the usual “end of the quarter scramble.” 

Early Warning Signs | Sales Coach

Early Warning Signs | Sales Coach
What am I doing here?” Robert said to himself. He was twenty minutes into the initial meeting with this prospect, and he was clearly fighting an uphill battle. 

Friday, October 11, 2013 Full Energy Morning Ritual: Wake Up And Create Huge Energy With 7 Easy Steps eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store Full Energy Morning Ritual: Wake Up And Create Huge Energy With 7 Easy Steps eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store
This guide will aid you in getting charged up for the morning and core productive time of your day. If you are tired of always being tired, then 2X and even 5X the energy you have now could be just a few changes and a ritual away. This morning ritual is a program that you can follow that won’t require you making drastic changes in your life. It only asks that you do 7 steps in a certain order that you may already doing but just not getting the total benefits that are possible. This guide sets you up for a perfect day and will have you primed, not worn out and groggy. The Juice Diet Lifestyle: Lose Weight And Consistently Keep It Off With 30 Incredible Recipes eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store The Juice Diet Lifestyle: Lose Weight And Consistently Keep It Off With 30 Incredible Recipes eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store
This guide will help you get the core facts on how easy juicing is, and how it will change your health and your life. This is not an overstatement of the value of juicing. If you maintain a healthy diet with exercise, juicing all types of greens will super charge your fat loss. It doesn’t have to be difficult – a huge pain every time you break out your juicer. This guide shows exactly which juicers are the best, and which ones to skip over. Included are 30 fantastic, tested recipes that taste amazing. Earn Their Love And Trust Again: From Heartache Abyss To Relationship Bliss eBook: Paul James: Kindle Store Earn Their Love And Trust Again: From Heartache Abyss To Relationship Bliss eBook: Paul James: Kindle Store
This guide will aid you in getting the person that you care so much about, but who is drifting away from you. There are proven methods to getting them back in your life and have a more reliable relationship going forward. The path back includes enhancing your communication, establishing a different type of honesty, and also bringing the youth and energy back into your relationship. All of these topics are covered in great detail and are super effective. 

Thinking Out of the Box for the New Year | Sales Coach

Thinking Out of the Box for the New Year | Sales Coach

Another new year. Will it be more of the same for you? We recently met with a group of salespeople that we have trained for several years.

The Brochure Brush-Off | Sales Coach

The Brochure Brush-Off | Sales Coach

A bigger problem is that the salesperson is under the illusion that the prospect is really interested and will agree to see them at some point.

Vito and Seymour* | Sales Coach

Vito and Seymour* | Sales Coach

Her industry was growing rapidly, demand for her services was clearly there, and the company was a leader in their market.

The Law of Detachment | Sales Coach

The Law of Detachment | Sales Coach

It is based on fear and the insecurity of not having something. It does not mean that you give up the goal, the intention, or the desire.

Thursday, October 10, 2013 Laser Focus: What All High Achievers Know about Focus and Why It Will Change Your Life eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store Laser Focus: What All High Achievers Know about Focus and Why It Will Change Your Life eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store
An easy to follow guide on creating laser focus in your life. Have you ever been working writing project, or any work and then realized that you haven’t really completed much work at all? There are things you can do to improve this, and not ever let your lack of focus rob your life of the production you deserve. Think about it, if you could be more focused, wouldn't you have more time for the other things in your life that are more fun and more satisfying? I explain why you would lack super focus and what you can do to fix it. Rapport: Easily Double Your Rapport Skills Within One Week eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store Rapport: Easily Double Your Rapport Skills Within One Week eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store
This guide will help you build rapport quickly. It doesn’t have to be difficult, or does it have to be something you refrain from trying. Building rapport is much easier than you think, but only if you know the secrets to unlocking great rapport. Have you ever wondered how others can be so popular? How come he/she is able to be instant friends with everyone they meet? This guide will help you in business, your personal life, and in areas of your life that won’t be visible at first.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Diabetes Disaster: How To Prevent Type 2 Diabetes In 5 Steps, And Reap All The Rewards Of A Healthy Life eBook: Paul James: Kindle Store Diabetes Disaster: How To Prevent Type 2 Diabetes In 5 Steps, And Reap All The Rewards Of A Healthy Life eBook: Paul James: Kindle Store
This guide will help you relieve worries and fears of being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. If you already have Diabetes, I address what you can do to have it impact you minimally going forward. If you are fearful of getting Diabetes, this book specifically gives you the nutrition and health strategies that are proven to work in preventing Diabetes.This guide shows you in a direct way how to prevent Diabetes which is sweeping the U.S. Don’t become another part of this segment of the population. There are measure you can take, which the guide clearly defines. Neck & Shoulder Pain: Free Yourself of The Daily Burden of Pain in 5 Key Steps eBook: Paul James: Kindle Store Neck & Shoulder Pain: Free Yourself of The Daily Burden of Pain in 5 Key Steps eBook: Paul James: Kindle Store
This guide will help you relieve your aches and persisting pain in your neck and shoulder area. Even if you haven’t been in an accident or don’t have any fracture or herniated disc, daily pain can be just as big of a problem. This guide shows you some daily stretches and treatment solutions that will have you feeling better instantly. There are also many teas and natural supplements that can be enormously helpful.

Monday, October 7, 2013 Affirmations: Morning Affirmations That Will Push You To A Positive Day eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store Affirmations: Morning Affirmations That Will Push You To A Positive Day eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store
This guide will help you get started on an affirmation routine that will push you to a new level of positivity. Ever noticed how some people start the day so strong and have huge amounts of energy all day? A big part of that are their daily affirmations. These confidence-building phrases are simple, but extremely effective.How could you benefit from a book like this? I’ve created a guide that helps you keep your attention on your bright future. Affirmations are so powerful because you are providing the map to yourself. It is sinking into your subconscious and it is in your voice which can be very potent. I show the guidelines that are necessary to create your own affirmations as well. The Ultimate Guide to Long Distance Relationships: Go the Distance in a New Relationship eBook: Adrianna Evans: Kindle Store The Ultimate Guide to Long Distance Relationships: Go the Distance in a New Relationship eBook: Adrianna Evans: Kindle Store
This guide will help you relieve your stress and negative thoughts about your new relationship. Whether you have been with him or her for months or even longer, being together long distance is very different and can be scary. This guide takes you step by step through how to handle the time before your partner leaves and how to maintain the passion until they get back to you. Optimism: A Working Guide to Creating Confidence and Why a Positive Attitude Can Make You Wealthy eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store Optimism: A Working Guide to Creating Confidence and Why a Positive Attitude Can Make You Wealthy eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store
A simple guide to creating lasting optimism in your life. If you want a great attitude, and want the steps to see changes within a week, this guide can help you tremendously. We all face difficulties daily. But what distinguishes those that achieve huge success from everyone else? There is a path to being more upbeat and having a shining attitude. This guide contains simple and defined steps that you can start applying immediately. A better outlook affects everything in your life! Procrastination to Producer: A Simple Guide on Success and Consistently Delivering on Commitments eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store Procrastination to Producer: A Simple Guide on Success and Consistently Delivering on Commitments eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store Optimism: A Working Guide to Creating Confidence and Why a Positive Attitude Can Make You Wealthy eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store Optimism: A Working Guide to Creating Confidence and Why a Positive Attitude Can Make You Wealthy eBook: Michael Dunar: Kindle Store

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I’ve Just Won the Lottery, and I Don’t Need the Business | Sales Coach

I’ve Just Won the Lottery, and I Don’t Need the Business | Sales Coach

The real world, however, is that often we are under tremendous pressure to make the sale. And although we may hate to admit it, we are desperate occasionally.